Graphic design serves as a method to improving society through effective communication that makes complicated things easier to understand and use. Design persuades and influence public opinion, design instructs people, as how to navigate or assemble something; and design identifies and informs the public about a wide range of topics, from a company and its products or services to which country has the largest population. Through intelligent and thought-provoking design, a designer is able to communicate complex ideas in a simple and effective manner.
According to Paul Rand, one of the most influential graphic designers of all time, design “is one of the most perplexing pursuits in which to excel.” Nothing could be truer.
When you think of graphic design, do you think of artistic advertisements? Eye-grabbing graphics on websites? Stunningly arranged spreads in magazines? While these examples certainly fit under the graphic design definition, the term encompasses a lot: posters, infographics, book covers, product labels, logos, business cards, signs, website layouts, mobile apps, software interfaces, the list goes on.
So, what is graphic design, exactly? Listing these graphic design examples is a good start, but it doesn’t paint the full picture. Graphic design as a creative field is so wide and diverse both in definition and application. Here, I give a high-level overview which will help you better understand what graphic design is.
Graphic design is hard to define without some degree of explanation. I often find it challenging to define it to my students using few words and not bore them to sleep.
If you do a Google search of what graphic design is, in less than a few seconds depending on your internet speed, you will be greeted with thousands of search results attempting to define or explain what graphic design is.
Among those results, the most common and probably the first one you will see is the one given by Wikipedia. It defined graphic design as “the process of visual communication through the use of typography, photography, iconography and illustration.” It went on to explain graphic design as a subset of visual communication and communication design, which is sometimes used synonymously.
This definition is correct, simple and concise but somewhat limited, and most of the definitions from the google search result are similar. They try to explain graphic design as the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines or books.
There is a dictionary definition of graphic design that I find interesting. It defines it as “the art or profession of visual communication that combines images, words and ideas to convey information to an audience".
I love this definition because if you look critically, there are two essential points which capture what graphic design is; ‘Visual Communication’ and Conveying Information’. Graphic design brings ideas to life visually, like Saul Bass would say of design as ‘thinking made visible’. So, design is not about having knowledge or experience with a design software like photoshop, is not about being artistic, is not the ability to draw well or making things look pretty. Though some of these skills helps, graphic design is much more than that. The ability to communicate a message visually is the central point of design.
To elaborate more on the definition above, I want to give you my opinion about what I think of graphic design base on my experience and research I have made.
Looking at it critically, there are two things involve here, ‘Graphic’ and ‘Design’.
Graphic is visual; is associated with art, imagination and expression involving many mediums such as drawing, painting, engraving or lettering giving clear and explicit detail. So, this part of graphic design is made up of visual elements; the building blocks of design.
The basic visual elements that combine to create graphics design includes; line, shape, form, texture, space colour and typography. We choose these visual elements, arrange them on a surface in a layout base on our artistic expression to convey an idea or pass a message.
The second part is Design, which is ‘to decide upon the look and function of something before it’s made’. So, design is thinking, problem solving and practicality. To achieved this, there are rules that can be considered. These rules are called the ‘Principles of Design’. These principles have a relationship between each other and appear in every well-designed piece of work you see
The design principles make the design in graphics design. The key principles in design are alignment, balance, proximity, hierarchy, contrast, repetition, simplicity and function.
So, when we bring the visual elements and the design principles together, we have graphic design. In my book; Starting out in Graphic Design, I explained in details the elements and principles that are used in graphic design and how to use them effectively to produce good design work. You can get the book by clicking here
Now graphic design is not drawing, is not painting, is not creating a poster or a quick logo on a computer. These things are the means to the end and they are skills in their own right. Graphic design is not about making things look pretty (I have said this before). It is ‘the organization and presentation of information developed through a creative process for a particular function’.
In graphic design we must first understand information, a message or a brief and then research, think, imagine and develop a solution or a concept in order to communicate that information, tell a story, a message or idea in a visual way. It’s only once we have a solid idea developed through the design process, we can use our skills with layout, colour, typography and creative tools to bring the idea to life.
To get you started in graphic design the right way, I advise that you check out the book Starting Out in Graphic Design. It has clear and detail information about what graphic design is, from how it differs from art to the different types that exist. It also holds different secrets to great designs by exploring the major principles of design. You can also check out some of our courses on graphic design here.
Don’t forget to remain amazing and creative.